Simple, Sustainable Community Forming
This will be an evolving community--more than a co-op house, although it will look and function a lot like one at first. However, we would have an openness to moving in a deeper direction, one small step at a time. Here is a chance to try living ideas like permaculture, ecofeminism, and nonviolent communication; a chance to do things like eating mostly local food, growing some of our own food, reducing and reusing, biking, composting, using a rainbarrel, creating a graywater system, and also listening to each other and building close connections, overall modeling a better way of living; a chance to practice creativity and caring; a chance to look at how we could rebuild the world from the ground up.
Hampshire Street
United States
See map: Google Maps

This website is a volunteer-led project, looking to promote, augment and strengthen cooperative living organizations in the greater Boston area. We want your involvement! Get in touch. Drupal theme by Kiwi Themes.