Spirit of '76
The Spirit of 76 Real Estate Trust is a cooperative housing community based on shared values of equality, environmental sustainability, human rights, peace and justice.
We manage our affairs through consensus, and shared responsibilities, as we strive to create an alternative to the exploitive housing market and wasteful consumerism.
We negotiate our conflicts as they arise through discussion, mediation, and facilitated meetings if needed. We care for our home and work hard to keep it in good repair.
We keep loud music, big parties, and the like to a minimum, however we love to laugh and carry on from time to time, and we are all very young at heart.
Everyone participates in chores and various projects that are essential to keeping the house in good shape and our community alive and thriving.
We believe in careful listening, negotiation, consensus, forthright communication, compromise, and mutual respect.
The integrity of the community comes before each of our small needs and is maintained collectively. Our community is ever-changing experiment, where the continual goal is progress. The specifics naturally change as new members come and old members matriculate onward, however community is the constant.